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When I first started this little blog of mine one of the last things I thought I would be doing would be sharing a bunch of “fashion” posts. It’s interesting to see how things evolve and how your taste changes. I’m not exactly sure how this side of the blog really got started, but I know that I would share outings and events that our family did and people would ask where I got my top from, or my shoes, or my sunglasses. After a while, I thought to myself, why not just incorporate that into my posts. And here we are.
The last few times I went shopping I found myself in one of those, hmm, should I be getting this moments. You know, like when you aren’t sure if you should still be shopping in the juniors section (if they even categorize it as that anymore) and then the 17 year old girl next to you is picking up the same thing. Gosh I’m making myelf sound old here. I know that age has nothing to do with it, and I’m a firm believer in confidence wears the clothes, but I have noticed a change in what I used to wear. Especially after I had the boys.
I would assume that’s natural for most people. Those shorter skirts all of the sudden get a little longer and maybe those lower cut tops start to become more modest. Ha! I promise, I was not a provocative dresser. I still enjoy feeling like my wardrobe is an expression of me and just because I’m a mom doesn’t mean all of that has to go out the window. I think it’s about finding balance, comfort, and ultimately what you feel comfortable in.
Aside from trying to avoid venturing out to the mall or sifting through racks of clothes at the store (because no body has time for that), online shopping has been my go-to. Sure it can be a hit or miss with the sizing and fit, but if a company offers free returns, I’ll actually order multiple sizes and then send back what doesn’t fit. I think it also allows me to shop for what I want and not be influenced by others in a physical store setting. I think with so many designers and new trends out there the lines have really become blurred and bridged that gap between age differences. Here’s to shopping for what we like, finding our balance, and letting your confidence do the talking.