Hello, friends! How’s everyone doing? We were graced with some beautiful weather this week and I’m telling you, I feel alive when the sun comes out. Something about that vitamin D is good for the soul. I know it won’t hang around, but I will take any nice day that comes our way. Let’s get into some favorites, shall we?!
That Basketball Mom Life

It’s no secret that basketball is a big part of our family. At any given time there is probably an NBA game on in my house or some highlight being viewed by my little ballers. They did amazing this season and went all the way to the semifinals where they fell short with their first loss of the season. A decided he doesn’t want to play baseball this year, he’s already decided slow moving sports are not his thing, and I love that he is finding what brings him joy. Anyway, we are considering the possibilities of travel basketball or AAU. If you have experience or thoughts on either, I’d love to hear!
Fresh Eggs

You might remember that last year we got chickens. Well, one turned out to be a rooster and he is whole lot of personality, but that’s another story. We wanted chickens for yearssss but always ended up putting it off because at times taking on another thing just didn’t feel doable. We finally pulled the trigger and I am happy to say it has been a lot easier than we thought. The fresh eggs are a total win and our feathered frenzy has become a part of the family. When I recently went out to collect eggs, I forgot my egg basket and didn’t feel like going into the house to grab it. I saw my son left his glove laying around, so you know what, utilize your resources, right?

We are certainly no chicken experts but we have learned a thing or two along the way. Like where those chicken eggs come out of and how they can be really dirty at times. I’ll save all the gritty details and let you know about GoodEgg’s brush and wash. You may have seen on my social that we love using the silicone brushes and the wash instantly attacks contaminants on the outside of the egg without penetrating the shell. I feel like because the brushes are cute it helps make the dirty work not so bad. I also love that GoodEgg gives back and 10% of all profits are donated to families affected by cancer. I’m dropping their link here because small business support is so important and this also makes a great gift for your chicken loving friends, especially with Easter around the corner.
Sunflower Prep

With nicer weather hopefully around the corner, we are getting our garden and sunflower field prepped. Our indoor seedlings are planted (I would love a little greenhouse at some point), and we dry our sunflower heads out over the winter and then collect the seeds to plant. We try to plant around June so we can enjoy sunflowers late summer/fall. Most varieties take around 60-90 days until they bloom. I will say, it has been no easy task though because it requires a lot of equipment that doesn’t make sense for us to have full time as hobby farmers. We are hoping to get a more efficient seeder, but for now, we are at the mercy of some local friends who can help us till the ground, which is so appreciated.
Travel Me

I shared more about our California trip and my thoughts on the version of travel me. If you haven’t had a chance to give it a read, I’d love it if you would check it out!
Projects Underway

If you’ve taken a peek at my insta stories you might have seen we are working on a little project. Well, that might not be the full truth. I say a project, but the reality is, we never seem to have just one project going on at a time. Several simultaneously is probably more accurate. In any case, it somehow works for us and we get done what we can. I can’t wait to share more as we are almost done! Linking the wallpaper for anyone who is interested. We are really happy with the quality and texture of it.