I couldn’t let the fall slip on by without sharing our apple picking adventures. It’s one of our favorite traditions during this time of year. We usually try to go around my oldest son’s birthday weekend, which ends up working out well to be able to go with family. We loved having my mom, brother, sister and cousin with us. Family weekends like that are so good for the soul.

This year the weather was showing its true early fall colors with those how in the world should I dress kind of days. It was gloomy and chilly in the morning with full on hot sun by lunch time. Thankfully we all dressed in layers and peeled them off as needed.

We love that our local farm has a park and pick option where you can reserve a time to go and move throughout the fields at your leisure.

The boys were on a mission with my brother to find the biggest apple. They had a little contest going on and measured them up to see who took the title. It was such a hard call. One was a little taller. The other was a little fatter. We agreed that my oldest ended up finding the largest one by a hair.

I’m pretty sure C went around taste testing the apples more than what went into his bag. We found a few that had random bite marks on them as he left a little trail leading up to the culprit. He’s super cute though, so we give him a pass.

We made our way to the pumpkin patch because I think in the fall you can never have too many pumpkins. They were on another mission looking for unique pumpkins and ones that looked bluish. I don’t know exactly what they are called, but we’ve nicknamed them the cinderella pumpkins.

They had just as much fun looking for pumpkins as they did pulling and riding around in the wagon. It’s the little things that I love to see them get excited about.

Did you pick apples this season or visit a pumpkin patch?