Happy Good Friday, Friends. I hope everyone has been doing well. Eric and I got back from a kid free long weekend in LA earlier this week and I feel like I’m still trying to bounce back haha. I’ll be sharing more about our trip in the weeks to come. In other news, I can’t believe Easter is in a few days. I can’t figure out if it just snuck up super quick, or if it’s more because it’s extra early this year. Selfishly I enjoy when it’s later in April, and at least a little warmer with more blooms in place.

The boys are officially on Spring break and we were planning on doing a staycation at the beach, but you guys, this weather. It’s been so dreary here. We are undecided with what to do, but I’m sure we’ll figure it out.

One of the things I love about this time of year is enjoy some of our family traditions. We’ll be decorating eggs today, doing some egg hunting, and getting ready for family to come over for Easter brunch. Our traditions wouldn’t be complete without our Easter pictures.

My favorite OG blogging friends probably remember our yearly occurrence of kicking these pictures off. I cannot believe the first time we took real Easter bunny pictures C wasn’t even a thought and my sweet squishy big boys were babies.

We had to keep things in doors this year because that whole weather thing was not working in our favor. Annnnddddd, because we added three new chicks to our feathered frenzy flock! Meet, Bamba, Zazza, and Peeps. All named after these three creative boys right here. Peeps is an Easter Egger, so that seemed fitting. Zazza is a Barred Rock chicken and also my 2nd son’s nickname. Bamba is a Wyandotte chicken and was named by my littlest guy after a Sixers basketball player.

I was once again reminded that taking pictures while trying to get everyone to cooperate, animals included, is no easy task. Needless to say, we still had some fun moments captured

Even with all of the fun wrapped into this time of year, the important part and most special for us is celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!