Happy Friday, friend! I hope your week has been a good one. This one seemed to fly on by for us. And literally, at points I felt like we almost could have flown away. Our temps dropped and we had some really crazyyyy wind. I had plans to get a few posts up on here but there’s seriously never enough hours in a day. I’ve been working on some bigger campaigns over on my instagram and still more to come, which I’m incredibly thankful for, but it also takes time away from here. Any extra love you show on my insta is always so appreciated <3
Let’s take a look back at some of my favorites, shall we…

I’m sure most of you know that yesterday was earth day, so naturally we joined in to do our part. I like to think that we focus a lot on everyday being earth day. You’ve heard me mention before about how we have a cut one, plant one motto for our Christmas trees on our property, and most of you have seen me partner with brands that are taking a more eco-friendly approach.

We also did some earth day projects and crafts to talk even more with the boys about the importance of recycling and doing our part.

Eric and I want to try and work in more date nights, but that’s not always easy. We miss going to the sixers games more frequently as our season tickets don’t exist right now because our seats were taken away for social distancing. Not to worry, we still have them, and it looks like we should be back to sitting in them for next season.

Anyway, we did get tickets to go this week, and thanks to my mom for watching the boys, we were able to work in a double date with my sister and her husband.

So not to brag or anything, but I do have a really amazing husband. Last year when we built our outdoor pavilion, I mentioned how cool it would be to have hammock swings to enjoy looking out at our sunflowers. Eric ended up surprising me with some for Christmas and now it’s time to hang them. Of course where I wanted them was no easy task and included renting some equipment just to get the ropes up that high. They should be set this weekend so stay tuned for the finished hanging.

I mentioned before that it’s been full on sports season over here. It’s been a lot of fun watching the boys and cheering them on at their games. My second son had his first t-ball game that we all enjoyed watching. I have to say, I think he was a little board. I know T-ball is more about the kids just getting out there and learning, but I know he’s looking forward to moving up next year and being back with his big brother.

I was so happy to hear when I shared before that we are working on a flip that almost all of you wanted to see more of the progress. I’m happy to say we are moving right along. If you tuned into my insta stories you may have seen the kitchen cabinets were delivered and I am so excited to see it start to come together! You may have even voted on the backsplash options for the kitchen. I was torn between keeping it simple white longer tiles or going a bit out of the box with a fun pattern design.

We also have some big progress in the bathroom, the basement is framed out, drywall is all up, and our floors were delivered yesterday. You can tune back into my stories as Eric and I are going to try and get back over there this afternoon to start installing them.
I hope you have a great weekend!