Hi friends! We are back from one of our favorite places to visit, southern California. If you’ve been around for some time you know that we have been doing our annual trip for years now. It’s been a favorite of ours to escape the cold winters here and get some sunshine and a much needed change of scenery.

We have family in Cali which always makes the trip even more special to spend time and create memories. We also have some big things to share on the horizon that might have us frequenting the west coast even more.

Creating memories in Disneyland is always a highlight! We have our favorite attractions that are a must all while filtering in new experiences and memories. It was so fun to check out the newly renovated toontown which was closed last year while we were there. It was nice to check out toontown at the ages the boys are because I could see them out growing it in the next few years. But then again, do you ever really outgrow things in Disney?

A great highlight and something I love about southern cali is that you can go from the beach, to the desert, to the parks in a few hours and be immersed in a completely different experience. You might have heard me mention before that my brother in-law is developing his property in Joshua Tree, and you guys, it is going to be amazing! I am so proud of him and he is so close to the finish line.

One of the things I’ve realized about myself is that travel me is a better version of me. I find that I am a better wife and mother, I’m more patient, more creative, more relaxed, the list goes on. I know that part of that has to do with being removed from the demands of everyday life, but overall, I love that version of me.

Traveling has been a big part of our lives ever since Eric and I started dating, and I’m thankful we have been able to infiltrate that even after having kids. The pandemic really put a damper on things for us as far as internal travel, but during that time we were grateful to travel domestic and also enjoy experiences with our airstream. I also think our trip over Christmas to the Dominican really lit the spark back in us and I can’t wait to see what other adventures come!