I’ve seen a few really cute bags floating around out there that are a nice switch up from the everyday handbag. Wearing these with a simple outfit could just be the perfect accessory and conversation piece. There’s something about these bags that have a playful side to them and almost a youthful feel. They always say it’s good to be young at heart, right?
I thought it would be fun to put together some affordable bags that might be that different gift option for that person that’s hard to shop for on your list.
I’m loving {this} sunglasses clutch and how cute is {that} milk and cookies bag?! {This} heart and striped shoulder bag kind of has me thinking about Valentine’s Day. Ok, I know, a little too early for that but seriously how cute would this be for date night.
So what about you, are you into switching it up with a trendy bag or sticking to more of a traditional look?