Happy Friday, friends! I can’t believe we are a week into the new year already. I always feel like a broken record over here talking about time, but seriously, it can slow down just a bit.
1. Knowing When It’s Ok To Say No:
I think we’ve all been there, we get an email from a company that wants to collaborate with us and our little blogger hearts get all happy. Yes! Someone values my space and is taking the time to recognize me. But then, we read a little further down on that email or they respond back to us wanting 3 shared images on all social media platforms, a dedicated blog post, the rights to all your images, but wait, you get a $25 shirt for free.
2. Who Are You Writing For:
when I first started blogging it felt more carefree, less pressure, we shared our lives and people either fell in love with our families or didn’t care much either way. People followed because they wanted to and weren’t as concerned about a number or playing a follow/unfollow game. We as bloggers weren’t as concerned about post worthy images or having the best site design. Those days feel long gone. Blogging has evolved drastically in the past few years and has proven to be very successful for many, which is great, but sometimes I miss getting back to the basics.
3. There Is No Magical Formula:
there are countless blogs and posts out there that will tell you all the things you are doing wrong as a blogger and make you want to crawl in a hole and redesign everything from start to finish. I do think there are a lot of great resources out there that are very helpful and can point you in the right direction, but I also don’t think anyone has cracked some code. I know about people who have a specific group of friends or family members that will automatically like their posts on bloglovin to bump them up on the explorer pages and all these little tricks and hacks that are out there. However you decide to get ahead is your decision, but I really don’t think anyone truly has it all figured out.
4. Be True To Yourself:
I think that comparison is the thief of all joy, so I want to encourage you to continue to do you. Speaking of comparison, I’ve learned that it will get you no where fast. I don’t consider myself one that really compares myself to others because I realize there will always be someone more savvy than you, have better pictures than you, or in general just be more likable. That doesn’t make you any less of a person because we are all created uniquely, but copying and trying to be someone you are not, will never come across as authentic.
I love seeing beautiful profiles and I am just as guilty of wanting to post a good pic. I genuinely challenge myself to want to take better photos because I love the photography side of things, but I also know that I can’t live for post worthy moments. I don’t have a perfect life with a specific filter or overall color scheme. We’re messy, disorganized, and not always in focus. And you know what? I love that about my little family. In the end, companies have actually reached out to me and commented that they want to work with me because of my authentic feel and want someone that is relatable. That makes me feel so good because then I know I am staying true to myself.
5. Continue To Stay Supportive:
I am a big believer in what goes around comes around. If you are nice and supportive to people, it will in turn come back to you. The same goes for blogging. If you want to engage with a supportive following then you also need to reciprocate. If you don’t take the time to visit other blogs, leave comments, and build connections, then more than likely the interaction on your posts will be a reflection of that. I’m not saying you aren’t going to hit post on some amazing content that won’t be discovered by others, but I also think this blogging community can offer so much more if you tap into it.
This post ended up being so much longer than I intended, so if you’re still with me then I hope you enjoyed it. And, you’re pretty awesome!