It’s been a while since my sister and I have done a post that wasn’t recipe, diy, or reflecting on our summer moments related. I’m jumping on here to open up about some recent mommy moments. It’s hard to believe that little man is 11 months! In a few short weeks I’ll have a one year old. How did that happen? I truly love every moment with him, even the tantrums. Yes, the tantrums have started and while some I have a hard time keeping a straight face because it’s so obvious they’re fake (that probably sounds really bad) others I’m looking at my husband puzzled and we both try to find the best way to diffuse the situation. They are always resolved and usually sooner than later, but my word, if we try and take the remote away from him, he will definitely let us know that it has become his favorite toy. Here are some mommy moments, funny experiences and new journey’s we are venturing on.
Speaking of teeth, he has six and counting that we forgot need to be brushed until someone brought this to our attention. We are now working that into our routine.
I secretly wish he enjoyed the pack n play. It would make things so much easier but he just isn’t having it. This little guy is too curious and wants to be on the move.
If I could start potty training him now I would. Changing his diaper has become a huge struggle. All he wants to do is roll around.
I’m starting to wean him. While I am looking forward to having a little more freedom for myself, I know I am going to miss that special time with him.
Teething hasn’t been as bad as we thought, but, he does put everything in his mouth! The other day we caught him with the insole to my husband’s shoe in his mouth! Uhhh, yuck!
Speaking of teeth, he has six and counting that we forgot need to be brushed until someone brought this to our attention. We are now working that into our routine.
I’m looking forward to packing a normal school lunch. Getting all of his bottles, food, snacks and everything in between ready for daycare each night is so time consuming.
This little guy just has way too much hair and there was no way we could hold out until his first birthday to cut his luscious locks.
I’m convinced that he has more rhythm than a saxophone player at a blues concert. When ever he hears a beat he drops it like it’s hot.
I love that he lights up now when he sees my husband and I pick him up at the end of the day. While I hate to see him upset sometimes when I drop him off in the morning, I love the extra big hug he gives me and to feel him hold on to me for a few more minutes.
Watching him learn and grow is the most rewarding thing. He is doing something new almost every day.
I absolutely love shopping for clothes for him and so happy little boys clothes have improved and they aren’t so gag gag baby anymore.
I am excited to see him grow and gain more independence, but at the same time I wish I could freeze this time and keep him small forever.
I am a little nervous about making the transition over to regular milk. I’ve heard it’s not the easiest and to try mixing it with breast milk, warm it up, and be prepared for him not to like it. Any suggestions you can provide?
I’m linking with some great mommy link-ups…