Easter baskets. Oh what to put in an Easter basket. This year little man’s Easter basket kept growing and growing and before I knew it we were at this size. In my defense, I won this over sized basket at a tricky tray that was filled with other goodies that I got to enjoy. It just so happens that I am recycling it into little man’s basket for this year. We are also getting ready to go away on an early anniversary/baby moon trip so a lot of the things in his basket are things he can use on the trip.
I know everyone interprets what they want to put in their child’s Easter basket differently and each year I will be making a conscious effort not to go overboard. There is so much more to the meaning of Easter than a rabbit, and some candy, and gifts. The true meaning of Easter will always be our main focus and what we want our children to take away from the day. Here’s a look at what little man’s First Easter Basket looked like and now some of the goodies he will be enjoying this year.
Toddler Easter Coloring Books
Easter Story Activity Book