Oh Monday, I’m taking you for all you’re worth and diving right in. Today I’m linking up with Biana and sharing more about our weekend. I hope everyone had a great one, and Mother’s day aside, it was the weekend, and that my friends is always a beautiful thing. I know everyone says everyday is Mother’s Day, but let’s be honest, it’s not. My everyday is always so demanding and jam packed with responsibilities that I do not always feel like everyday is Mother’s Day.
It’s nice to have a day, or two, where dinner isn’t prepared by me, I can turn a blind eye to some of the house work, and just be.
The celebrating started for me on Friday when I had muffins with mom over at A’s school. If you caught my instatories (@beautifully_candid) you may have seen some of these highlights. He did so good with singing these sweet little songs, the projects he did for me, and of course enjoying some muffins together. One of the projects was a picture and then this little questionnaire where they asked the kids certain things and wrote down their responses. Well apparently the best thing I make is hot dogs and I’m great at being a Dinosaur (roar!).
After work my Mom and I headed to a purse bingo fundraiser. Everyone at our table packed all kinds of snacks and food to eat while we played bingo and tried to win a bag. Well, unfortunately it was not our night at bingo. I came so close on a few of them, but no bingo. The last game I only needed one number to win, and it was for two bags. It would have been perfect, I could have won one for me and one for my Mom. I needed B6 to be called and what comes out, B1. Bingo was called across the room and we left empty handed. It was fun though, and I would definitely do it again.
Saturday was pretty much a washout. It poured all day. We originally had plans to do a lot of fun things outside but with the weather none of it happened. My Mom, sister, and I all got our nails done and enjoyed some relaxing. Later on that night we decided to exchange gifts instead of bringing everything to brunch the next day and I got to share in a sweet little moment with my Mom.
After my Grandma passed away my aunt gave me one of her necklaces to hold onto in case I ever had kids one day and wanted to give it to my Mom. I’ve been holding onto this necklace for a few years now and decided to give it to her. It was even more special because it came from both of her grandsons.
On Sunday I did not exactly wake up to some glamours morning with fresh squeezed orange juice or breakfast in bed. I wasn’t expecting that anyway. It was a miracle though, because everyone slept until 8:30am! Poor A woke up with a little stomach thing going on and somehow little nugget ended up going to the bathroom on the floor. Seriously? I pretty much threw my hands up and told Eric he had to deal with it. For a second I thought, great, is this some sort of precursor that today is going to be a crappy day. It wasn’t, and thankfully all of that nonsense didn’t follow us out the door.
We all headed to church where Eric and I taught Sunday school so I got to enjoy some extra hugs and love from those little ones. After service we made our way to brunch and of course had to take sometime to get a few (never just a few) pics. Brunch was a success and everyone left stuffed as usual. We love the front porch to this place and the great rustic charm that it has. It was so nice to be able to all celebrate together.
After brunch we all came back and took a nap, which felt amazing! After we all woke up we headed outside to enjoy some fresh air where I actually got to read more of my book. The night ended with lots of hugs and snuggles which was just what I was hoping for.
Here’s to hoping we all have a great week and to more fun weekends to come!