3. Little nugget’s bday prep: majority of my week has been spent doing a few diy projects for nugget’s bday this weekend. I shared last week that we are having a small beach ball themed party for him and I wanted to add some more focal points other than the 20 beach balls we will have floating around my dad’s pool. We are hoping the weather holds out for us but of course they are calling for some rain, which is odd because it never really rains down by my dad (hoping that’s the case this time). If you could all say a little prayer that those rain clouds blow on out of here it would be much appreciated. I’m not really sure how I would pull off a beach ball pool party in the house but we will see what happens.
4. Two year pics: speaking of little nugget and turning two, he was such a great boy over the weekend and let me snap a few cute pics of him playing in the sand. Here’s a little sneak peek and I am looking forward to sharing more of these next week along with his party.
5. Wedges: you’ve probably seen me wear these wedges in some of my posts. I have these in the tan color and since they are so comfortable for me and the wedge is the perfect height, I jumped at ordering them in black. I saw they are currently on sale for under $30 and available in all sizes! They came this week and I might have already worn them a few times. Hey, when the shoe’s comfy, and a great price, why not wear it 😉

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Here’s where you can find me linking for all the link up fun.