Happy Friday friends and hello November! Wow is this year just flying right on by. This was a busy week for us filled with a lot of Halloween fun, my sister’s birthday, and Eric’s birthday coming up on Monday. We have a lot of celebrating going on this weekend and we’re looking forward to all of the fun.
Here’s a look at some of my favorites from the week…
1. Giant haystack: one of the things I love about this whole blogging community is the connections and friendships that I’ve made with all of you. One of my insta friends posted a picture of this awesome haystack and I had to message her asking where it was. Since it wasn’t too far from us we decided to visit the farm and had the best time. This place had so much going on with so much for the kids to do. I hope you’re ready for picture overload, and this isn’t even all of them. The awesome part was, her and her kids were also planning on going that day so we got to meet up with them and they all played together.
2. Trunk or treat: another local farm was having a trunk or treat that we took the boys to when little nugget was tiny, and this year, they were both running around getting all of the candy in their turtle gear. Of course Eric and I dressed up too, because what’s a turtle pack without all of us. If you haven’t noticed here, we LOVE visiting farms. And aside from the stereotypical bad rap jersey gets, we have a bunch of them around to visit.
3. Trick or treat: as if we didn’t have enough candy, we took the boys out for some treating and surprise, surprise, they got even more candy. Since turtles love pizza, my mom was nice enough to come over after we got back from treating and had pizza waiting for us for dinner. Eric and I had fun sneaking a few pieces of candy from their bags (because what parent doesn’t?!). We ended up having to put their bags up high or they probably would have eaten everything in sight. They also woke up the next morning with the craziest idea that they both needed m&ms for breakfast.
4. Thankful pumpkin: since we are now in November, something we’ve been doing with the boys, starting on the first, is our thankful pumpkin. Each night leading up to thanksgiving, we sit around and each say something we are thankful for and then write it on the pumpkin. I love this tradition we started and hope that it will be something the boys will appreciate more and more as they get older.
5. Christmas shopping: (affiliate links below) speaking of Halloween and Thanksgiving, we might as well just dive right into Christmas, too. I mentioned before that I started my shopping and I am loving getting all of the things and feeling accomplished already. I hit an online sale at Gap and got the boys these adorable superhero cape tees. I got them on a major steal, but Gap is currently having their friends and family until 11/5 which is 40% off everything with code friend. I also picked up these really cute Kate Spade magnets and here, that were on sale at Nordstrom Rack that I’ll be stashing away for a few friends, and I love this gold polka dot tumbler too. Have you started shopping yet or do you prefer to wait?