I had a completely different post scheduled for today but in my heart of hearts it didn’t feel right for it to go live. Not today. My heart is aching over what’s been going on in our country and after speaking out on my insta stories last night and the response I’ve gotten, I realized how important it can be— even if it is one voice.
It’s not that I didn’t want to say something, it’s the opposite, it’s that I know I don’t have the right words to say or felt that something coming from me could be a touchy subject. But you know what, I don’t think that matters right now.
What matters is that we do the right thing and stand with each other to show support, even if we don’t have the right words to say or ability to completely relate to each other. What we can do is show kindness and be there for each other.
It’s like the saying goes, see something, say something. That’s what it felt like for me. I started worrying about the future generation and my children. And don’t get me wrong, not about my kids privileges, but about them standing up and doing what’s right. About them having a strong foundation to know how to treat others and show kindness to all regardless of differences. And you know where that starts, with us as parents. As role models, to teach our little ones about diversity, respect, kindness, and that everyone is equal. To show God’s love and to do what’s right even when others around you may be doing wrong. To teach them that it’s not about the color of someones skin but the content of their heart and embracing differences.
I think back to a class I took in college, Death In Perspective. I’m not exactly sure how I ended up in that class, but I can easily say it was one of the most impactful classes out of my whole college experience. One of our assignments was to be present for an autopsy. We happened to go on a Monday morning and there were six autopsies we would be seeing that day because of situations that happened over the weekend. It was life altering to see all aspects of life and races ranging from a 98 year old man to a 3 month old baby girl. And you know what, no matter how old, no matter the color of anyone’s skin, everyone was the same on the inside.
My hope is that we will all do our part to show kindness and to be the best example for not only our kids, but those around us—because it starts with us. That our guidance will influence them so strongly that situations like we’ve witnessed wouldn’t happen again.