Can someone pinch me? No, seriously! It feels surreal to type it out here that we are having a little girl. We are so excited to share the news with you! If you caught my instagram last night we shared our gender reveal video. I’m pretty sure I don’t even know what I was screaming or saying in it half the time, because it felt like a dream moment. I keep watching it over and over again because the boys excitement makes me even more exited.

Honest talk, the thought crossed my mind that this time around it could be a girl (I would get really nauseous at night which I never had with the boys), but I think I was afraid to let myself get attached to the idea incase it wasn’t. I was mentally prepared to have 4 boys. I feel like I fully embraced being a boy mom and would have rocked it with another little dude running around.
I am over the moon and so, so incredibly thankful and feel very blessed that God has given me the opportunity to get to experience this part of motherhood with a little girl. At the same time, it almost feels like I am starting over again. When people would ask us, “are you going to try for a girl”, which was always a question that irked me a bit. I mean, you have a 50/50 chance regardless, and while you may have hopes of a certain sex, a healthy baby is always what’s important. Anyway, getting off on a tangent and most of you know I could probably do a whole separate post just about that and thoughts and feelings you experience while being pregnant. So back to my point, I used to joke that if we did end up having a girl I wouldn’t know what to do with her. And while that sounds kind of silly, because we already have three kids (we would figure it out, right?), I’m going to be experiencing a lot of different things that are out of what I’m used to.

At the same time, I’m looking forward to embracing this new journey and seeing the dynamics of our family with a little girl. My heart melts thinking about her having sweet moments with her daddy and big brothers. And don’t worry, we are well aware that her future boyfriends will have it tough and she is going to have the best protectors around.

I know some had questions about how we decided to find out what we were having. We did make the decision to do early genetic testing which involved a blood test. Eekkk not my favorite thing. This was actually done at our house by a mobile service because it was at the height when Covid was rising and my Dr. wanted to decrease any exposure. When the results came back, we had them in an envelope and my sister and best friend came over with the colored confetti poppers. They opened the envelop to find out and gave us the right color to use.

At first we weren’t sure if we were going to do anything with the current situation that was going on. Maybe we would just find out by opening the envelope on our own, and believe me, there were moments when I was tempted, so I locked it in my glovebox in the car until it was time. The more we thought about it, we did some sort of reveal with each of our children (you can see more here and here) and the last thing we wanted for our last baby was to miss out on that because of a pandemic. I am so glad we kept things safe yet still were able to share in this big moment.

Your kind words and congratulations have made us feel so loved and supported and reminds us what a great community can come from blogging and the friends we have standing in our corner. Thank you for sharing in our joy!