It’s been refreshing to resume some family activities that we have always loved doing and seeing the extra precautions places are taking to allow family fun. I think it’s safe to say these little guys took full advantage of the strawberry patch and there is just enough evidence to show for it.

With the weather feeling like summer and temperatures on the rise, we felt more comfortable venturing out into some open air activities. How has everyone else been feeling about it? There’s something about a little sunshine and fresh air that does the soul so good.

Berry and fruit picking has been a fun family tradition of ours ever since I was younger. I am so happy we were able to continue with the tradition this year. Last year we didn’t have the best of luck, ok more like a strawberry picking fail, when we went a little later in the season and everything was picked over. Womp, womp. I love looking back at older posts and seeing how much can change in a year, and also the lessons you learn. This year, we made sure we were on top of it. Oh my goodness, and looking back at my little C who was a tiny peanut and before any of his surgeries—mind blowing. Gosh I miss that sweet gummy smile at times.

We were so happy to hear one of our favorite farms was opening up their fields. I am so happy with the way they handled things safely and professionally to allow families to get out and enjoy some time together picking fresh fruit. You had to reserve your time slot online (spaces were limited), prepay for your box of cartons (there was no transactions going on), and show up at the appropriate time slot. When we arrived, everything was properly labeled and our box was ready to go. They explained what rows were open, where we could go, and the sanitation stations available equipped with soap and sanitizer. There were only three other families there when we were there and we each had our own areas and respected each others space.

It was different then what we’ve experienced from previous picking, but you know what, I actually enjoyed it even more. Things were so organized, the fields weren’t over crowded, or picked over, and it was nice to have your own area to work within. Ha! And selfishly I didn’t have to worry about anyone else being in the back of my pictures #thethingsbloggersgethappyabout. When we resume to some sense of normalcy there are certain practices I hope some business will continue to keep around.

Since last year was a bit of a flop with no real berries to taste, I wasn’t sure how this year was going to go. There was more than enough to pick from this time around, and let’s just say, C did not waste ANY time and dove right in to taste testing. I mean, that is the best part after all.

Ok, maybe he did more than his fair share of tasting. This little squish could not help himself. He was basically in berry heaven. I don’t think he actually put one strawberry in the carton and instead kindly directed them right into his mouth.

Eric and I were cracking up! He hands down takes the top spot for messiest out of our kids in a berry patch. After awhile we gave up on trying to stop him, because clearly, his berry bliss was more fun to see.

My older boys were absolute angels while we were there. In fact, I’m pretty sure this was the most well behaved they’ve been in the last two plus months. I think the change of scenery, being in the fresh air, and all of us having something to do was just what we needed. I loved seeing them work together and share some sweet moments with each other.

And we all got a good laugh out of our littlest berry covered boy who chased after us covered in stickiness.