Happy Friday, friends! It feels like there has been so much going on this week that I blinked and here we are. It was the boys last day of school yesterday and I am not going to lie, I was more than happy to say goodbye to distance learning. Let’s get into some favorites…
The News Is Out, It’s A Girl:
In case you missed it, we finally shared the news that baby #4 is a girl! I was so shocked, happy, overwhelmed, flooded with emotions, that we did not see blue this time. Of course having 4 boys would have been amazing, but I am so thankful I get to experience this side of motherhood with a little girl.
If you’ve been keeping up with my instagram (I share a lot more over there) we had our anatomy scan last week. And yes, we knew the sex of the baby way before then. Although, I did have them double check to be sure 🙂 Anyway, thank you for all of your prayers and support beforehand. Many of you knew my nerves were heightened going in. At our last anatomy scan, that’s when we found out our sweet little C was diagnosed with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. I am thankful to say that baby girl is looking amazing and we got a good report. We are trusting in God for His provision over this pregnancy and that all will continue to be ok.

Little Graduates:
I mentioned the boys had their last day of school this week and we officially have a 1st grader and a kindergartener now. I am so proud of them and all of the changes and challenges they had to go through this school year. It wasn’t without some tears, hearing a few, “you aren’t my teacher” comments, and some bizarre things like, I can’t do my reading today because my legs are itchy. In the end, we all survived, learned a little bit more about each other, and have an even greater appreciation for teachers.

We celebrated with pizza and cupcakes since nothing was really going on for their graduations and wanted to make it special for them in some way. I couldn’t find a cap and gown anywhere, and unfortunately the school was not giving them out. Some make shift photo props from the dollar store did their job (weird times in 2020). Their silly faces in this pic have me cracking up thinking about how it could be a throwback pic in a yearbook later on down the road. Congrats to all the 2020 graduates!!

Kicking Off Some Summer Fun:
Since the boys had half days this week we took advantage of getting started with some summer activities. Outdoor dining opened up for our state this week (although we have not dined out), and we thought it would be ok for the boys to have a lemonade stand, equipped with hand sanitizer that this. They had been bugging us to have one. We told them they could make up flyers to put in the neighbors mailboxes letting them know when they would be having one. It turned out to be a big success for them and it was nice to see the neighbors supporting them and getting a chance to say hi to everyone.

The boys have also been big into fishing this season and would go every day if we let them. They got lucky within minutes and each caught several fish.

Projects Upon Projects:
I know since Covid many of us have been tackling home projects. We had several in the works before everything with being quarantined happened, and guess what, they’re still going on.

I mentioned before we put a pavilion up at the front of our property to be able to watch the sunsets at night and have another little area to relax and escape. We decided to expand the surround and also have a fire pit put in. I am loving how it’s coming together!

10 Year Anniversary:
I realized that in all the craziness and sporadic blogging, I never shared (on here) that Eric and I hit our 10 year wedding anniversary. It looked a lot different then we had envisioned, but we made the best of it and had a really good time together. Our plans for our big trip were canceled but much like 2020, you find ways to enjoy yourself and focus on the important things in life, being together.
They just opened up campsites in our state the week before our anniversary, so we decided to pack up our Airstream and head to Cape May, one of our favorite beach towns. It was nice to create memories with the kids, dig our toes into the sand, and escape from being at our house. We’re hoping to get to the beach a lot more over the summer but of course keeping things safe and working within our comfort level.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!