I never ended up officially putting together a summer bucket list but I knew there were a few places I really wanted to try and visit this season. A sunflower field was one of them, which we did a few weeks ago, and in keeping with the whole flower field thing, visiting a lavender field was also something I really wanted to do.
This one was a small family owned place that was basically at their house which I loved. Total goals right there. When we got out of the car we were immediately greeted with the calming scent of lavender. I seriously don’t know if anyone could leave there feeling stressed out. The workers said they were immune to it now which is kind of sad because I would love to smell that pulling up to my house.
They had a few different fields that you could pick from and we also learned that there are four different types of lavender. English, French, Red, and White. We didn’t get a chance to see any of the red lavender and we knew before we went this was towards the end of the season.
I think I would definitely try to go a little earlier next year so we could see it when it’s really vibrant in color. Depending on the type of lavender, some at this point could start to have that dried out look to it. And depending on the way the light hit, some even had a bluish hue to them. It was kind of crazy because as the sun was going in out behind the clouds, it looked like the lavender was changing color. It was still pretty nonetheless, but I could just image how amazing it must look when it’s at the peak of its color.
We had a fun time going up and down the rows of bushes and cutting our finds to make different bundles. Eric is so good to me and sat back and snapped some really cute moments of the boys and I together.
The boys wanted to go check out the chickens they had in their yard, which was still in our sight, so we let them go explore. While they were off talking to the clucking hens, Eric snapped a few pictures of me with my growing baby boy. The sun was coming in and out of the clouds and at one point a bunch of butterflies came circling around me and it almost felt magical. It’s hard to see in the pictures because the focal points were on me, but if you look closely you will see some white dots around and those are actually little butterflies.
The boys wanted a break and to go sit in the big chairs, but of course that didn’t last long when then wanted to go look for some big sticks. Eric and I sat for a few minutes to admire the pretty rows in front of us. Once they spotted a few butterflies, they were off to go try and catch them. I told them they had to hold hands and stay close, and it worked. They may have been outsmarted by those quick flapping wings, but they did get some energy out.
When we were getting ready to leave, I saw them standing together by our car and asked them what they were doing? They said, look mama, take a picture. Umm, is this real life?! Sure thing, kiddos!
Our drive home carried that sweet smell of lavender with us and I now have some of the bundles drying from our fireplace mantel. Back in the day when I only had one kid and I used to have time to bake and take picture of it, I made blueberry lavender muffins and these delicious honey lavender cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. I’m hoping to at least tackle one of these again, but I can’t make any promises.