I’m so excited to have the news out that baby number 4 is due in October! Where do I start?! I have a million things running through my mind right now that I am just filled with so much joy and thankfulness.
I just shared the news on my instagram and needed to put my phone down for a few minutes to gather my thoughts. I am so blown away and humbled by the love and support you all show. It really does mean a lot to me. Especially during a time that is unconventional to be pregnant.

Let’s rewind for a bit. My loyal readers (shout out to my good old faithful, woop woop) might remember that I’ve mentioned here a few times we weren’t sure what we were going to do about continuing to expand our family our not. There were days when we would feel like, ok, we can totally handle one more. And others where we would look at each other and say, I think we’re good with three boys.

The one consistent thing on this journey of parenthood that we were having a hard time with, was officially closing the door to having any more kids. It was a big decision that Eric and I had many talks about, but neither of us felt at peace about coming to terms that this would be it. We would kind of joke around about the pros and cons and run through different scenarios. Things like, if we have a fourth there would be no middle child, each one of them would have a friend. Silly things like, with a family of six we would take up a whole row in an airplane and no one has to wonder who sits next to that random person. We thought about how cool it would be to have 4 boys, and of course thought, well what if it is a girl. So many what ifs, but in the end 4 felt right to us.

Fast forward to that pivotal moment when we found out baby number 4 is indeed coming. It was back in February before the world went nuts and we were so excited. I love that with each of our children the joy and excitement of expanding our family has been there.

With everything going on in the world this pregnancy experience has been a bit different. Eric hasn’t been able to come to my appointments with me which has been a big bummer because he has always been such a great support. Aside from things being out of the norm, I am not allowing this to steal the joy away from this pregnancy and making sure I am enjoying small moments and each milestone.

The first trimester kind of kicked my butt. I was exhausted. Throw in everyone being at home, having to do school work with the kids, keep them quiet during my husband’s conference calls, housework, everyday life, and still try to manage my blog and social media, I was beat. Yet at the same time, I am thankful we all have this time together and can experience pregnancy in a different way with each other. A huge thank you to Eric who has gone above and beyond to help with everything. In fact, he’s ready with lotion to spoil me with my nightly foot rub. A true gem, I tell ya.
It’s been exciting sharing the news with our friends and family and now with all of you! We’ve gotten a lot of different questions that I will touch on at a different time, but the number one we probably get is…

Will we find out the gender? The answer is, YES! I am not good with waiting, let’s just say patience is not exactly my virtue (Jesus take the wheel). We’re excited to share it with everyone when the time feels right. For now, we are taking in the excitement of this special time in our lives.