Happy Friday, friends! I hope you had a great week. It’s been a long time since I’ve shared some of our favorites, and man I have missed it. I’m hoping to get back into sharing them regularly.
You know what’s interesting about running a website and social media channels when you’re an amateur? Sometimes you have no clue what’s going on. I recently realized that my emails haven’t been going out to my subscribers, and that my subscribe to email wasn’t even showing up on my site. Womp, womp. I think I’ve got that all situated now. Think, is the keyword there.
Anyway, if you haven’t subscribed to my email list I would love it if you would drop your email in the subscribe section on the side bar. I’m also thinking about doing a fun holiday giveaway for my email subscribers, so let me know if that would be something you would be interested in.
Let’s get into some favorites, shall we…
Darling, You’re Gord-geous!
This week kicked off the official start of fall and we are already enjoying this time of year. If you caught my instagram (@beautifully_candid) I shared how we grew some gourds this year in our little patch. We’re pretty darn proud of the bunch we got, and after our pumpkins flopped (better luck next year), we were happy we even got these.

The boys love running up there to walk through the vines to see what’s hiding out there. I’ve loved decorating with them, and of course taking pictures.

Have you ever had one of those moments where you were completely clueless about something and then multiple people seem to know about it. Then you’re like, wait a second, am I missing something?!?

Some of my friends on insta asked me if we were going to cook them up. Cook them up? I’ve only known gourds to be used for decorations, but I guess you can cook up anything. I don’t know the first thing about how to prepare them, so I’m pretty sure we’ll be sticking to using them as Fall decor. Just out of curiosity, have you ever used gourds for cooking?
Soccer Mom Status
My big boys kicked off their soccer season after we weren’t sure if it was going to happen this year. Thankfully everyone is keeping their distance while watching the games.
Because of their age difference they aren’t on the same team this year so we’ve been doing a lot of running around. They both ended up with the same number for their jerseys and we didn’t even plan it. I thought that was so cool!
They both did great playing, and let’s just say I almost lost my voice cheering them on from the sidelines. Haha, you guys, I am that crazy mom that gets so into it. I just can’t help myself. Seeing my babies play their hardest, be competitive, and have good sportsmanship gets me amped up.

Fall Bucket List
Even with this fall looking a bit different we still plan on having as much as we can while keeping things safe. I sat down with the boys earlier on in the week to talk about some of the things we are looking forward to. We put together our Fall bucket list. What’s something you’re looking forward to this Fall?

Summer Rewind
Remember how I mentioned it’s been awhile since I shared some of my favorites? I figured I would include a look back at our summer. Even though we had a lot of rough times we were able to focus on the blessings we do have and created some great family memories.

Favorite Finds
It’s hard for me to pass up a sale, especially when there are things that we need. A’s 7th birthday is coming up in a week (seriously how is this possible?!), so I’ve been picking things up for him and also stocking up on some fall staples. Who else is taking advantage of the Target sale?

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You know how you start shopping for one thing, and then find a bunch other things, and then end up down a rabbit hole, and just can’t help yourself? Yup, that’s me. Every time. Even though this wasn’t a part of the sale I couldn’t resist looking at their door mats with fun and festive sayings. I grabbed this camo sweatshirt which is very comfy and also comes in several different colors. I also picked up these camo leggings (apparently I’m on a camo kick) they also come in several different colors.
I also picked up a few basic tees that I love to use as layering during this time of year. I got this glow in the dark space shirt for my son that I know he is going to really like and think it’s so cool that it glows. I also saw that my olive baseball cap is on sale. I’ve worn it so much lately which is a great way cover up a bad hair day. And you all know I can’t get enough of my wide brim fedora hats this time of year. I’ll take them all, please 🙂
I hope your first fall weekend is a good one!