One of our favorite traditions around this time of year is going apple picking as a family. We typically go around my son’s birthday which makes the celebration even more fun. I always remembered going apple picking with my parents when I was younger and love that it’s a tradition we’ve carried on with our own kids.

I love looking back at our past apple picking adventures and reliving those memories. Gosh, the boys were so little! I also realized that I love an overcast day because the lighting for pictures is so much better. Ha! The things that bloggers start to pay attention to.

We went to one of our favorite local farms that was doing reservation time slots for all of their activities. It was so much fun and we hope that it’s something they will continue. I mean honestly, who enjoys going to an over crowded field? I think limiting things is where it’s at.

Last year C was so little that he wasn’t into the apple picking part so much. I remember all he really cared about was crunching leaves. This year he was all about taste testing the apples. But really, isn’t that half the fun of going picking?
I loved that we were able to make a whole family event out of this because my mom, sister, and cousin also came. It’s always the best time when we get together.

I shared on my instagram that I was trying to get a picture with my mom and sister but my little comedians had other plans and made it their goal to photobomb us. I love seeing their silly personalities come out and feel like these are the pictures that really hold memories in place when theirs a story to go along with it.

It’s been a yearly tradition to take a picture with Eric and the boys walking through the orchard, and it was no different this year. I love looking back at all of them and seeing how the boys have grown, how our family as grown, and how our love keeps growing. I always title this picture, my whole world right in front of me.

We also headed over to the pumpkin patch because I don’t think you can ever have too many pumpkins around this time of year.

The boys loved pulling the wagon around and it was a struggle to get C out of it. They had fun looking for all of the silly shapes and sizes of the different pumpkins, and of course had some typical boy comments about what some of them resembled. I’m sure #boymoms can relate.

We ventured into the corn maze but at this point my littlest guy was heading into a tired downward spiral. We decided we would head back another time to make our way through the maze when there were less meltdowns and we could have a little competition to see who could make it out first. For now, I am soaking up all these fall moments we are creating together.