Flashback Friday. Reliving some of our favorite family Halloween costumes and sharing inspiration with you.
Happy Friday, friends! I hope everyone had a good week. It’s hard to believe it’s the last Friday in October, but in a way, I’m kind of ok with this month being over and getting closer to the holidays.
I want to thank all of you who reached out to me yesterday when I shared that it would have been my baby girl’s due date. I may sound like a broken record, but your support, kind words, and just letting me know you care, have meant more to me than I will be able to express. This wasn’t a journey I expected to bring you all along on, but your encouragement and letting me know how it’s helping others has inspired me so much.
On a lighter note, we have some fun things planned this weekend even though the festivities will look a bit different. I thought it would be fun to dig into the vault and take a look back and some of the costumes we’ve had over the years. Let’s take a look…
Fun fact, Eric and I had our first “official” date on Halloween 2001. Man I wish we had a picture from that night. That’s back when disposable cameras were still cool and the only phones people were rocking were Nokia to play snake. Ha! I seriously just dated myself.
Let’s look at some of the costumes I do have pictures of.

Once the kids came along dressing up as a family was a new norm. We love getting our costumes together every year and hope to continuing doing it for as long as the boys let us.
Although, I’m pretty sure they will be picking the themes soon. We have let them dress up as whatever they want for friends parties or school events, but on the big day, it’s family all the way.
It’s funny that I can always tell when people start looking for Halloween costume ideas because my pins on Pinterest start picking up. I’ve also wondered if the boys will ever want to recycle some of the ideas we already did. I would be down for superheros again.

Oh my heart. I’m so sad that our dog Coaty isn’t here to dress up with us this year. For the first time in 11 years he won’t be a part of Halloween. It’s going to feel so weird. We even had his costume picked out and all ready.
Even before our boys were born, we would dress him up. There used to be an event near us at a local park where they had a dog costume contest. It was so much fun to bring him and walk him in the parade. Ah, such good memories.
Anyway, here are a few of my favorite costumes that my sweet boy wore.

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Be sure to check back on Monday when I share our family Halloween costumes for this year. Or follow me on instagram (you should already be doing that 😉 ) for a sneak peek!