Happy Friday, friends! Well, it’s been an interesting week to say the least. My boys are back to virtual learning at the moment, and many of us watched the disappointing and heartbreaking disruption that took place in our country. No matter what your views are, it’s unacceptable. I know a lot of people are like, well, here we go, 2021 is going to be horrible. But I don’t know if I’m throwing in the towel that easily.
Unfortunately, It goes to show that issues and problems still need to be worked on. That our actions and how we conduct ourselves are an extension of our character. That kindness and love have a long way to go. That us as parents have an even greater responsibility to help our children shape the future change that many of us hope for.
Thinking about my children, I want to be able to look back at the memories we create and going forward focusing on moments where we can incorporate even more teachable moments.
Our winter break was pretty laidback for the most part. I mean, there is still a pandemic going on and we haven’t been out doing much. Especially with it being winter. But, there’s always moments that can be created big or small.
Eric took off for two week so it was really nice not having to worry about school or work. On Christmas Eve we went around to our neighbors to spread some cheer and drop off some goodies. We were able to get a reservation for our in-person candlelight service which is always the most important thing to us, so I’m glad we were able to go. My mom and brother in-law were also able to come with us which made it extra special.

We decided to keep things super simple and ordered pizza for the night. Not exactly the classy Christmas eve dinner, but you know what, it felt amazing to just relax and not have to do anything over the top.
Once we were done we put the kids in their pjs to drive around and look at all the Christmas lights. When we came home the boys set out milk, cookies, and carrots, and off to bed they went. All the parents out there know that’s when our magic is just getting started.

The next morning kicked off super early. Way too early for my liking. I was exhausted by like 4pm. I think we had a child in our room at 5am asking if we could go downstairs. I know they were so excited, and I can’t blame them.

I think we made our way downstairs somewhere between 6:30-7am. We always start our morning off with reading Luke chapter 2, saying a prayer, and then opening gifts.

It might have been a rainy gloomy morning outside, but inside, there was so much love being felt. Santa even left some foot prints for the boys coming out of the fireplace and they were sooooo excited to see it! The big hits were their new shark cars, nerf shooters, Wall-E robot, play-doh, and dog man books. I’m happy to say that all of those are still being played with and used.

Eric surprised me with some goodies that I am in love with. It’s funny the things you get excited about as an adult. He got me new shelves for our living room, two hammock chairs to go out at our pavilion area, and also spoiled me with some gift cards. I’m already looking forward to spring and getting the hammock chairs up and swinging.

It was the perfect time to take advantage of some after Christmas markdowns. I could not wait to get going on decorate our shelves. I’m hoping to put a post together about how our living room came together.

It’s only natural that after a few days we were itching to have a change of scenery. Last year we visited the beach on a random winter day and it ended up being our favorite. This year, we did the same, and news flash, it was our favorite again!

The boys were so happy running around on the sand, finding shells, and getting out some energy. We grabbed food and caught a beautiful sunset that I still find myself day dreaming about.

For New Year’s we were at home with the boys. It was fun doing our traditional kids countdown with them and having all the confetti celebration, and mess, we could.

I don’t know about you, but growing up one of my favorite parts about NYE was all the appetizers my mom used have for us. I tried to make sure we had a good assortment to pick from. Trader Joe’s always seems to come through.

We danced it up with the boys. played some games, and watched some of the NYE coverage, oh, and the sixers game. We were all pretty excited they won and are off to a good season.

Both of my big boys tried really hard to stay up but only one lasted, and it was not my oldest. My second son was up with me the whole night while Eric and A were fast asleep on the couch. Eric woke up a few minutes beforehand to see the ball drop and swoop in for that midnight kiss. My little guy and I grabbed some pots and pans and did a quick outside banging sessions while some of our neighbors set off fireworks.

The rest of the weekend was spent with some lazy relaxing days and mentally preparing for school to start. We did get their playroom situated with their learning stations and making sure computers were charged and books were set.
It felt refreshing to have a slower pace and be able to focus on small moments. Nowadays it makes things feel even more special when we do something out of the ordinary.
My hope for this weekend that we can all find peace, press into our faith and beliefs, and be the kindness we hope to see.