Happy 2021, friends! We made it. I know that things haven’t magically changed because the date switched (wishful thinking). But man, oh man, it sure feels good to have a new hope and fresh start on the horizon.
Honestly, I don’t know if, or, expect much to really change this year. What I do hope is that the initial shock factor of things won’t be so bad for all of us. I mean, who really knows. At least we’re more accustom now to staying at home, having to quickly switch to virtual learning, and find creative ways to make memories with our family and loved ones.

Realistically, I’m not even sure the last time I sat down and made resolutions. Not that there’s anything wrong with making them, it just hasn’t been my thing. I tried it a few times. It all seemed good in theory. Then the spring would come and most of what I set out to do in the beginning of the year became a distant memory.
For the past few years I would pick a word for the year. Even though that’s become pretty trendy (I can see why) it worked a lot better. It was easier to focus on one word and stay on track with that.

For some reason picking a word didn’t feel right this year. After coming off of the roller coaster of a year we previously had (2020, I don’t think anyone will be forgetting you), there wasn’t one word that truly came to mind. I can think of a few choice terms, but they’re probably not appropriate to focus on coming into a new year.
2020 was a year I won’t be taking for granted. It taught all of us valuable lessons, stretched us, and pushed our comfort zones. It was also the year that almost broke me. Yet, somehow, it was intertwined with so much joy, happiness, and great memories created.

The more I thought about things, I realized that I wanted to focus on being a better me. Last year, everything kind of went out the window and it was survival mode. Totally justifiable.
This year, it felt right to ditch resolutions or picking a word for the year. And if I’m being true to myself, I’m glad that I stuck to that. It didn’t seem right to just pick one to pick one.

Instead, I’m choosing to reset (hmm, maybe that technically is my word for the year? Anyway). I’m focusing on embracing the chapters that take place and the story that’s being written. To accept the things I cannot change and things that are out of my control. To continue to focus on what brings me joy and happiness.

When life gets crazy and I feel like I need to reset, or take a step back, I’m giving myself grace to do so. Sometimes we push forward and continue moving on, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but sometimes we can’t do it all. We don’t need to be superheroes. We just need to be human.

So here I am, wondering what this year will bring us. Wondering how many times I might need to take a step back and reset. I’m going to hold myself to it and make sure that I take the time to do so.
Here’s to being optimistic, hopeful, and letting go of what we cannot control. Oh, 2021, please be decent to us. You don’t even have to be amazing, but if you’d like to be, that would be awesome as well!