Have you ever been to a tulip field before? I haven’t. Well, at least not until recently. Let me tell you, it was beautiful! That pinch me, am I dreaming, kind of beautiful.

Two years ago we heard about a farm not too far from us that had the largest display of tulips around. We missed out on getting tickets that year, and we all know how last year went, so there’s that. This year, we were on our A game and got early access to ticket reservations and were able to secure the date and time we wanted. It happened to be my Dad’s birthday so my sister and I thought it would be perfect to go for the day.

Little did we know when we reserved the tickets the weather was going to be rainy and gloomy. At first we were a little bummed out because when you think of flowers you think of bright, cheery, sunny moments. But you know what, we had the best time on this rainy gloomy day frolicking amongst an array of beautiful tulips that lined the field.

At first, my sister and I thought about trying to switch the day, but this event is a big deal around here and has been sold out, so that wasn’t happening. Then, the more we thought about it, we wondered if it would be less crowded and some people might be scared away by the forecast. And guess what, that’s what happened. There were still people there, but not anything like the other time slots or brighter days that we had seen floating around social media.

What I like to think, and try to focus on, is making the best out of any situation. Life has thrown us some curveballs, so dancing in the rain and letting our worries float away felt appropriate.

Eric and I haven’t had many pictures together lately. So I was really happy my sister snapped these of us. There were a bunch of you that asked me on my instagram, who took these for us. I love that I can pass my camera over to my sister and she doesn’t mind snapping away. She’s a true gem I tell you.

While Eric and I were having our little moment, we looked over and realized our boys were pulling out the bulbs of the tulips and not necessary picking them.

At first I thought, oh no! This is it. Someone is going to come by and kick us out.

Little did we know that it was actually ok to take the bulbs. We even saw someone who brought their own gardening gloves and shovel. It’s safe to say no crimes were committed during this visit and now I have some really awesome bulbs planted in my garden.

I mean, little boys and dirt, does it get much better than that? You would have thought it was the best day ever for them. They got to stomp in any muddy puddle imaginable and splash until their boots where covered. I certainly had some laundry to do when I got home.

Being surrounded by so many colors and varieties of tulips had me thinking about how amazing it must be to see them in Holland. I’ve been to Amsterdam, twice, but not around tulip season. I think it would be an amazing trip to go back for. Hopefully one day when hoping on a flight for a trip seems simple again.

The owners of this farm migrated here from Holland so it’s no wonder they know a thing or two about growing some amazing tulips. I’m thankful they allowed us to share in their beauty.