Happy Friday, friend! I’m so glad you’re here with me to share in some favorites. I can’t believe Easter is around the corner. I have majority of things set for the boys baskets but it feels like it’s coming in at lightning speed. I always enjoy when Easter is a littleeee later. Things are starting to feel more normal with the busyness of things picking back up. Our week had a lot going on and I’m lucky that I even got this post together. It might be a little hodgepodge and random at best, but here we are.
Ok, those favorites…let’s do this!
It’s officially the first week of spring! It might not have been the week of weather we were hoping for, but there were still so many great moments mixed in. We spent some time out on our front porch. I always said I wanted a big front porch, and now that I have one, I try to take advantage of it. These rockers have been one of my favorite finds and the boys also like rocking on them.

You may have caught in my stories that we are working on another flip. If you’re new around here, Eric and I have done some real estate investment on the side over the past 7 years. Since the market is so hot right now, and we were somehow able to find a good deal on a house, we are back to flipping. I have so much fun with this stuff. I got to tear down a few walls and demoed the bathroom floor this week. Ha! I felt it this week with some sore muscles, but man is it a good to take a sledgehammer to things.

I mentioned last week I was planning on getting our decorations out over the weekend. I don’t have a tone of Easter decor and have been leaning towards a less is more approach. I’ve been keeping things neutral so they can transition over to any style as the years change. I’m linking my new studio mcgee tray here because I am loving it. I got a few questions about my vase but that was a homegoods find and we all know how that is.

Remember I mentioned our weeks were starting to get busy? Well, a lot of that has to do with sports being back in action. We all know how last year around this time went, so it’s nice to see the kids getting some energy out, learning about playing on a team, sportsmanship, and all the other fun that comes with it.

The boys are on a traveling soccer team and also playing baseball and tball. Thankfully they’re both on the same soccer team, it makes a huge difference. I’m looking forward to next year when they’ll be back together playing baseball.

I’m getting warmed up to being back to that crazy mom cheering and screaming from the sidelines with my little sidekick who wishes he could get on the field with his brothers.

Ahhh I could add so much to this section! In a good way. For starters I wanted to take picks of the new playsets I shared last week but didn’t get around to it. I saw some of you purchased the spider swing and climbing dome, I hope you enjoy them as much as we do. The boys were so excited! Hoping some of this rain goes away so they can get back out there.
Speaking of outside, I cannot wait to get our furniture out of storage to set up our pavilion area again. We had plans to do it this week but with the rain we passed. That didn’t stop me from picking up a new rug for it. We had to actually go to a store to pick up baseball things for the boys, so naturally I had to make my way to the home section. You know, only for a little peek. Well, we all know how that goes, and here we are, my new braided round rug that I cannot wait to set up. Ohhhh I hope it looks as good as I think it will in my head. I also picked up this weathered jug that I’m not sure if I want to use it outside or inside. My sister grabbed some extra long beach towels last year and I loved them. By the time I looked for them, everywhere was sold out. I made sure to get a head start this year and picked up this diamond beach towel and this palm beach towel (already low stock in stores).
I hope you have a great weekend!